BlogFriday, January 26 2024
When you’re short on money and hoping to pawn something to fill the gap, at first, it seems hard to choose. However, there are certain things most pawn shops always want, including quality watches. At Cash Express, we review watches when they come in and come up with an appraisal. The Appraising ProcesThe checklist for watches being considered for pawning goes something like this:
Then, of course, there’s market demand. Like fashion, one year, a specific watch will be a “hot” commodity, and another year not so much so. If you have a popular watch, it will help you at the pawn store. What Does Your Broker Want?It’s worth making a call to individual pawnshops to see what they’re currently buying. It will save you a lot of time. It’s also worth taking time to educate yourself about your watch so you get a feel for how it’s selling elsewhere. As an aside, you do not have to sell your watch out-right. Rather, you can use it for collateral to help with short-term financial struggles and pay it back over the allotted time. There are no special credit checks, making things go much more quickly. Examples of Popular Watches for Pawning
About Cash ExpressThere is a reason that Cash Express is the number one pawnbroker in Philadelphia. One of our specialties is high-end watches. We have an online contact form you can fill out to find out if your property is something we’re looking for right now (saves you a trip). You can also email us at, or call our office at 215-922-1560. We look forward to serving you. Wednesday, January 10 2024
There is no definitive answer, as if you can sell clothing to pawn shops. Some places won’t even look at clothing because it takes up a lot of inventory room. Plus, the condition of clothing must be prime, and, if possible, a name brand.
At Cash Express, our experience indicates that, unlike jewelry and tools, clothes can take a long time to sell. Clothing styles change in the blink of an eye. Assessing clothing also proves challenging based on wear and tear.
Don’t be wholly discouraged. You can sell clothing to some pawn shops successfully. In some instances, it can be a great way to clean out your closet and get some extra cash. What Pawn Shops Don’t Want in Clothing.In order to sell clothing to pawn shops successfully, it helps to know some of the key reasons the establishment might say “no.”
How to Sell Clothing to Pawn Shops SuccessfullySo what DO pawn shops accept in the way of clothing based on their target market?
Look at your clothing with a discerning eye. Think like another person might if they were looking at the item. If you can put yourself in those shoes, you make better choices about what to pawn. Pawning vs. SellingThe only real reason to pawn your clothing is if you don’t mind not having the item for a while and you’re looking for fast cash that you can repay in a specific amount of time. With your wardrobe, outright selling might be the best idea. The only downfall here is that you may receive a lower amount than pawning. Tip: Avoid pawning or selling items with sentimental value. You may regret this decision in the future. Contacting Cash ExpressIf you are uncertain whether or not we are taking specific items, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We can give you our requirements and let you know if we might be interested in seeing the piece(s). Our telephone number is 215-922-1560. You can also email us at or use our online contact form to find out if your property is something we’re looking for right now or to ask questions. Our trained staff is ready and happy to be of service.