BlogThursday, February 28 2019
If you’re like a lot of folks, you’ve probably come into possession of jewelry that you don’t know the value of. Perhaps a relative has passed down their prized heirlooms, or maybe you received a gift of jewelry from someone: either way, you weren’t there for the purchase, you don’t know where the jewelry came from or how it was made, and so you’re unsure of its real value. You could be sitting on a treasure trove of coveted items and have no idea. So, how do you find out what your jewelry is worth? Fine jewelry can have its value ascribed through a jewelry appraisal. An appraisal gives you proven documentation of the worth of your piece: a certified appraiser will inspect the jewelry item, looking at a number of important factors, and then will determine its value. He or she will then supply you with your documentation: this proves the value of your pieces so that you can sell or pawn them later at the certified, appraised price point that accurately reflects their real value. So, what is a jewelry appraiser looking for? There are a lot of things that determine the value of a piece of jewelry, and depending upon what it is (a ring versus a necklace, for example), the appraised characteristics might differ. Generally, appraisers will consider the overall condition of the piece, the characteristics of the gemstones used, and the metals used in creating the setting. The documentation provided to you upon completion will explain exactly what was assessed so that you understand how the appraiser arrived at the ultimate piece value. And that’s all there is to it! Your piece now has an official value. Having appraised your piece does not obligate you to then sell the piece; in fact, sometimes getting an appraisal is a great step to take in helping you determine that you don’t want to sell your piece. You might find that your piece is not worth what you thought it was and that selling won’t ultimately be as profitable as you’d imagined. Or you might find that your treasured jewel or family heirloom is worth much more than you’d originally projected. Either way, knowing the appraised value of your piece gives you options. Having an appraisal is also vital if you want to insure your jewels: items can’t be covered unless their value is certified and documented, and so insurers will require that you have your jewelry appraised first. So if you’re sitting on some jewelry that needs to be assessed, pursue an appraisal: knowing the value of pieces will give you options and allow you to make choices knowledgeably. No matter what you decide to do with your fine jewelry, the qualified folks at Cash Express can help you understand the value of your treasured pieces so you can make better long-term financial decisions with your items. We’re happy to answer questions and are here to ensure that your items are appropriately assessed and accurately valued every time you come in. |