BlogFriday, April 23 2021
Out of all the types of items you could bring to a pawn shop and pawn or sell, jewelry and precious stones tend to be the best. But diamonds, in particular, are exceptional items to pawn. Pawn shops will pay good money to get their hands on these. With that in mind, here are three reasons diamonds are good for pawning. 1. They’ve ValuableLet’s get the obvious one out of the way — diamonds are valuable. They’re simply worth a lot of money due to rarity and beauty. Consequently, most pawn shops will be eager to get their hands on your diamond and will pay a fair price for it. 2. No DegradationMany items that start out as valuable or expensive can lose their value fast. Look no further for an example than most luxury cars. Today’s BMW 5-series will cost a fraction of its new price a year down the road after being driven around. Another great thing about diamonds, though, is that despite being so valuable, they don’t degrade over time. Thus, their value won’t go down much (if at all), especially compared to other luxury goods. If you’re pawning your diamond for a loan, you can get pawn loans tons of times over the length of your ownership without seeing a drop in the diamond’s value. If you’re selling, pawn shops will be all the more eager to buy because that diamond can sit on their shelves forever without becoming less valuable. 3. DemandDiamonds may be pricey, but that’s exactly what makes them so great to pawn. Pawn shops can offer diamonds — an item that’s already in demand — at a nice discount for being second hand, making them easy to sell quite fast. Thus, pawn shops are more than happy to pay a good price. This is especially true for diamond rings. A lot of people head to pawn shops to get beautiful diamond rings to propose (or for something else) without breaking the bank. Overall, if you’re short on cash but have a diamond or diamond jewelry sitting around that you don’t need, you can turn it into a large sum of cash fast at a pawn shop. Have any diamonds sitting around you don’t want? How about diamond jewelry, or any precious stones/jewelry for that matter? At Cash Express, these are among our favorite items. If you bring yours in, we’ll be happy to take a look at your items and provide you an excellent offer fast. You could have cash in hand within the day. Stop in to Cash Express in Philadelphia today! |